
Identity & Access Management

Identity & Access Management (IAM)

In the realm of cyber security, safeguarding digital assets and sensitive information is paramount. At PhysSecPlus Global, we specialize in Identity and Access Management (IAM) services, with a keen focus on Zero Trust Architecture. Our mission is to empower your organization with robust access control measures that enhance security and efficiency.  The key to your enterprise is not the credential, it’s the identity.  Our IAM consulting services include:

Zero Trust Architecture Implementation:  Zero Trust is not just a buzzword; it’s a paradigm shift in cyber security. We can help you embrace this approach, which assumes that no one, whether inside or outside your organization, can be trusted by default. Our Zero Trust Architecture services include:

  • Micro-Segmentation: Divide your network into smaller, more secure segments to limit lateral movement by cyber attackers.
  • Continuous Authentication: Implement multifactor authentication and adaptive access control to verify users’ identities continuously.
  • Least Privilege Access: Ensure that users and devices have the minimum access necessary to perform their tasks, reducing the attack surface.

Directory Services: A Single Source of Truth for Identity Data:  In today’s complex enterprise environments, managing identity data efficiently and securely is a cornerstone of robust Identity and Access Management (IAM). Our IAM Directory Services provide a centralized repository for authoritative identity data, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and security across your organization.

  • Centralized Identity Data: Every organization needs a secure, centralized repository for storing identity data, user profiles, roles, and permissions. This centralized approach simplifies identity management, reducing the risk of data inconsistencies and errors.
  • Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

Managing user lifecycles, from onboarding to offboarding, is essential for ensuring proper access to resources. IGA enables you to automate user provisioning and deprovisioning processes, reducing the risk of access-related security breaches.  Maintaining control over user access and permissions is crucial for compliance and security. Our IGA services help you:

  • Define Policies: Establish clear policies and procedures for identity and access management, ensuring alignment with your business goals.
  • Access Reviews: Regularly review and certify user access to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC to streamline access management based on job roles, reducing administrative overhead.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Implementation:  Simplify user access while enhancing security with our SSO services. Users can access multiple applications with a single set of credentials, improving user experience and security.  Successful implementations for SSO include:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA is a critical component of strong Authentication, especially when it comes to safeguarding access for critical administrative personnel who hold the keys to your organization’s most sensitive data and systems. Our MFA Services are designed to provide an extra layer of protection for these key individuals.
  • Mobile Apps: Support mobile devices for all users using their smartphones as authentication tokens, leveraging the most current standards such as FIDO/U2F/Passkeys. This ensures that MFA is both secure and user-friendly.
  • Customer and Partner SSO: Customers and Partners to your organization also need to be able to securely access company resources in a secure and user-friendly manner. Whether using Social Media sign-in providers, or partner Identity Providers, the PhysSecPlus IAM team can guide you through a comprehensive integration strategy.

IAM and Physical Security Integration:  Effective access control is not limited to the digital realm; it extends to your physical premises as well. IAM and Physical Security Systems integration is a powerful combination that offers comprehensive access control across both digital and physical assets. Here’s how it works:

  • Unified Access Management: Seamlessly manage and monitor access rights for both digital resources (applications, files) and physical assets (buildings, rooms).

Biometric Authentication: Leverage biometric authentication methods (fingerprint, facial recognition) for both digital and physical access.

  • Centralized Policies: Establish centralized access policies that apply consistently to both digital and physical access points.
  • Audit Trails: Maintain audit trails for both digital and physical access, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • By integrating IAM with Physical Security Systems, you can achieve a holistic approach to access control, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access to critical resources.
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